петак, 11. фебруар 2011.


You know you've been watching too much Skins when... 

1. You want to say “Fuck” whenever anything happens.

2. If 1 already applies to you, you now want to say “Fuck” every other word.

3. You’re convinced a gay boy at your school is being stalked by at least one straight girl.

4. When someone mentions Osama or 9/11 you ask, “Which one?”

5. You understand why Maxxie and Anwar are best friends.

6. You actually begin to believe that regular teenagers have the much sex and do that many drugs.

7. Any semi-popular, faintly manipulative person at your school becomes synonymous with “Tony”.

8. You actually considered buying the DVDs for full price.

9. The toughest guy you know is now gay.

10. You actually believe that anyone like that obnoxious chick in Season 2, Episode 6 exists.

11. You’ve watched all of the first generation in one sitting up to part 2 of Episode 8, Season 2, because parts 3-5 were not available on YouTube.

12. You are convinced that all of your teachers want to have sex with you.

13. You are surprised when you find out that you have homework and cannot, in fact, spend all night clubbing, tripping etc.

14. Instead of counting sheep you make lists like this one to go to sleep.

15. You have done any of the things on the show post-watching. (Doesn’t count of you did them before, half-counts if you increase activity in taboo areas after watching. Same goes for scoring.)

16. You’ve memorized at least half of the cast for at least one season just from watching the credits. (Three points if you’ve memorized one full cast, four if you’ve memorized both, and five if you’ve memorized anyone else.)

17. You begin to like the music they use on the show.

18. You have this idea of Russia as a wild, inventive place.

19. You want to go to Russia for reasons other than family, jobs, or studying (Four points if you want to go there just for the sake of losing your virginity.)

20. You know all the plot twists through Season 3, and you live in America (this doesn’t count if you read it on Wikipedia).

21. You’ve made a book list of all the books Tony’s read. (Give yourself four points if you actually read them.)

22. You knew that the girl in Season 2, Episode 6 is supposed to be some sort of metaphor for the Jungian theory (unless you read it off Wikipedia. Full points if someone told you just because you have friends that are that obsessed.)

23. You now think of Brits as party animals.

24. You completely understand the British schooling system without having had any prior knowledge.

25. You are invited to a party and are shocked when it is not completely made up of drugs and sex.

26. Everyone around you wants to get laid. Everyone.

27. You are now wary of working class flats and scan all the windows every time you go through an apartment block, just in case.

28. You wrote a song about Sid and Cassie’s undying love.

29. You’ve forgotten that cops exists.

30. You want to name your son Maxxie.

31. You want to name your daughter Jal.

32. You have thought of an animal to represent each main character. (Sid is totally a sloth, right?)

33. Each time you have to travel without your significant other you tell said significant other that you’ll miss their spaghetti.

34. It is physically impossible to be shy.

35. You consider flirting to be an outdated term/act.

36. You aspire to be a real estate agent or a drug dealer.

37. You’d actually consider giving some a hard helmet as a gift.

38. You actually own the DVDs for full price (only half-counts if you pooled your money with a friend, does not count at all if they were a gift from anyone 35 plus, unless they’re cool.)

39. You’d try and persuade someone to dress as Maxxie for a costume party (four points if you would dress as Maxxie for a costume party).

40. You’ve read any fanfiction about the show.

41. You’ve created a FaceBook profile for any of the characters.

42. You are a girl and now think that everyone will love you if you show your boobs (this is half true so only give yourself one point if applicable to you).

43. Whenever someone does something you don’t like you “Strongly object”.

44. It takes you a moment or more to remember the definition of the word “Functional”.

45. It surprises you when your parents care (does not count if your parents beat you as a child. Kidding. But you know).

46. You don’t trust Welsh women anymore.

47. You are me.

***If you don’t like the show but have 12 plus points, give yourself an extra four points. Aaand here’s the scoring system;

0-15 point: Average
16-30: Mm, you either watch it frequently, maybe you like it a little too much.
31-45: You really need to stop watching that show.
46-Above: You are on the show.
 my result is 41,mmmm... Do I???

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